Tradecart follows following web design & development process.
1. Request recieved from the Client
Out business analaysis team evaulates the client details & ask questions to the client. Once we are done we freeze on the requirement.Teams gets to-gether to work out details for the Internal wireframing of the project.
2. Mock Development
Design dept takes over from here to create a design based on freezed requirements.Design creation can take 3-7 days to work out a design. Client is sent for suggestions.
3. Coding Development
As soon as coding department recieves the requirement, key milestones are identified for the project and based on those milestones small tasks are identified.
4. Development Test
Test team takes care of testing manually and automated format.Certain tests are carried out for each development.
5. Let us go live
Website is handed over to client on Live Hosting.